Ahh-breathe in, breathe out. It's been crazy around here and I've been feeling overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by projects I want to tackle, things I want to make and do and learn and read, events I'm trying to pull off and deadlines to meet, raising four children and all those challenges, juggling schedules, in the midst of this I've been letting my hoop and pole time slip away...I miss those badly! I need to not do that, but when it's crazy those are the first to go. After all, I must keep up with the dishes and laundry and we need to eat, right? I think I'll be able to sneak some in tonight though (fingers crossed). But here's some sweetness going on. Last Friday we went to a garage sale in Potter's Woods. I always try to hit the upscale neighborhood sales! Up above was my find. I always hone in on anything wood! This furnished Plan Toys dollhouse cost me $40, more than I had intended on spending that day, but worth it! I just LOVE it and see that it will get hours of imaginative play. I made these little blankets and pillows for the beds.
And then--a half off short sleeved men's dress shirt from Goodwill (1.99) into a sweet summertime Lily dress. http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=170402.0 I shoulda taken a before pic of the shirt--I never remember until I'm already too far into a project! This is super easy and I'll be making more. I forgot to remove the front pocket but it looks super cute in the back. I love how I didn't have to do buttons! I'll also make her some more 'Lazy Days' skirts. And will make Calvin some more pants. I got the 3 pairs of pants made for the 3 males in the house (from the thrifted twin sheet), but Rob's are just a *bit* too snug. Darn! So I have to fix that, then I'll take a pic of them all in their pants.
I am so happy to have 'met' online a whole bunch of fellow local bloggers around these parts lately:
Stacey: http://finerstacy.wordpress.com/
Amanda: http://miracletome.blogspot.com/
Oh my! That dress is so adorable! (As is the girl wearing it.)