I just got this book in my hands last Friday night and I adore it. If you are local, do yourself a favor and contact Jane at The Wild to get yourself a copy. It's $7--seriously--for a total wealth of information that is engaging and easy to understand. Topics cover Health & First Aid (making tinctures! salves, how to treat headaches, depression, colds, etc etc) to Non Toxic Cleaning and Body Care, to Gardening.
I was sold on this book before I even read the Intro and reading the Intro when I got it made me love it even more:
."..no part of the process was trivial or mundane. Creating and using something homemade never is. I came to realize that my skepticism abouth the importance of these acts was based on a cultural belief that the domestic sphere is somehow less important than the public sphere. Which, of course, is such a load of crap. (amen, sister!) If we DIY only the elective, recreational parts of our lives-or only what other people can see-then how much of our lives are we really reclaiming?
...DIY is for everybody! Gardening, homemaking, healing: these are all such basic aspects of human life on this planet, and they are important for just that reason.
...to me, DIY is not a show of prowess, or even a hobby, rather, it is a necessary step towards living our lives on our own terms. ...we cannot depend on a market-informed cultural consciousness to enlighten us--we have to do it ourselves." (ding ding ding!!)
--raleigh briggs
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