Tuesday, February 23, 2010

a few of my favorite things

I got this 'favorite things' idea after bringing this freakin' adorable coffee tin home Sunday from the Noblesville Antique Mall.  $7!  Then yesterday I got this YUMMY hot cocoa from TJ's.  They asked for my zip at the register.  I begged them to open a store in Noblesville.
Love this rick rack sewn onto this apron.
This phone from Rob's house growing up.  It still works, we just have to wire it in.
Love this carving detail on this old clock that belonged to my maternal great-grandparents.
My incense and behind it, a beautiful box belonging to my Great Aunt Esther.  She kept gloves in it.
Lils at a few days old.  love.
Vintage chalkboard picked up at a rummage sale.
My bookshelf (thrifted, of course.)  Ten bucks.
The picture Rob took at Pemaquid Point, Maine.  I had it blown up and printed onto canvas.

In other news, I've got a sweet four year old girl that needs to have a molar extracted next week.  :(  I'm really feeling sad and horrible about it.  She's had a rough dental life so far and wow, I just can't believe she will be going for years without this tooth.  On the other hand, I am very grateful for medicine and dental care!  I can't imagine not having access to either, yet that is the reality for so many people and it breaks my heart.

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